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DIY Natural Hair Treatments for Luscious Locks WithOUT Chemical Crap!

no bull natural hair treatment recipes So often we use products on our hair in an effort to help make it healthier that actually compromise it in the long run.  I’m not saying our intentions aren’t right; many of us over process our hair almost daily and providing it nourishment is essential!  But, all too often, these “treatments” are only providing short term benefits and are actually causing harm in the long run with their funky chemical ingredients.  Not so with these DIY natural hair treatments…
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Posted in Beauty Food, DIY Natural Beauty Recipes, Earth Friendly, Hair Growth, Natural Beauty Tips

Thin to Thick Hair? Too Good to Be Poo?

Is thin to thick hair really possible and are there really products available that are too good to be poo?  There are a variety of self-proclaimed miracle cures on the market that claim to turn thinning hair into a thicker mane.  We have clients who are not willing to buy some of these products because of the hefty price tags. Other clients have tried them but discovered they must use them for life to maintain the results “if” they work.…
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Posted in Beauty Ingredients, Hair Growth, Hair loss
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