There are many conflicting reports about whether diet affects the skin and it all becomes confusing crap. The bottom line is we all know diet is important to maintain healthy organs and body functions. Since the skin is the largest body organ of all, it makes sense to link our diet with our skin.
Certain foods such as dairy and hormone fed cattle promote inflammation and aggravate acne for sure. Genetically modified (GMO’s) can certainly contribute to a variety of skin challenges as well! Good foods provide omega-3s and “good” fats to help make dry skin more supple. Foods and teas with antioxidants flush out toxins from our system for clearer, more beautiful skin. That’s the good stuff right?
Since skin breathes, it is affected from the inside out and the outside in. Both aspects are essential to have great skin. For example, foots that have unhealthy fats, refined sugar and processed carbohydrates are bad for our organs, including our skin. Skin care with chemicals and toxic crap damage our skin over time. Crap!
Instead, choose organic and natural foods that are rich in antioxidants, good fats, vitamins and minerals. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fatty fish are all good choices. Some of the best foods for the skin you’re in include green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, apricots, carrots, beans, nuts, blueberries and if you must have salmon choose wild only and avoid franken-salmon.
Also watch what you use on your skin since it absorbs whatever is applied externally. Pure skin care products are best. Vitamins and antioxidants are also the right stuff to have in your non-toxic beauty products. Look for non-toxic skin care ingredients and avoid ditch the doo doo from your diet!