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Argan Oil For Summer Frizz, Dry Skin and Women’s Rights

Argan Nut Oil for Skin Care Summer means spending time at the beach, in the pool and under the sun. All this exposure can lead to frizzy hair, dryness and skin irritation.  Argan oil is a one-stop shop to smooth away summer frizz and ease skin problems. Everything you need to look great is in one carefree bottle.  Assuming it’s truly argan oil, with no icky additives.  Mmmhmmmm.   Argan oil is made from the nuts of argan trees, which grow almost exclusively in exotic Morocco. …
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Posted in Anti Aging, Beauty Ingredients, celebrity skin care

Summer Skin Care From Bites to Burns and More!

Even if you take great care of your skin, we often get caught up in the good times during the summer.  Staying out in the sun, swimming, bug bites and making contact with irritating plants like poison ivy can cause serious skin discomfort. There are a few natural ways to look and feel your best even if you forget to take precautions. Take an oatmeal bath to relieve sunburn.  Simply place two cups of oatmeal in a cotton sock and…
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Posted in Beauty Ingredients, Non Toxic Beauty, Skin care ingredients
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