Blog Archives

Plant Based Diet for Mind, Body and Beauty – #GOVEGAN

It’s unfortunate, but there’s a continuous surge in the demand of meat and dairy worldwide. Not only are these common staples harmful to your skin but factory farming is the leading cause of climate change. If you want to improve your beauty routine while contributing to a healthier planet, listen up….lessening this dangerous duo in your diet can pave way for so many beauty benefits for your skin and health benefits, not too mention it’s good karma!  Why not save…
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Posted in Acne, Anti Aging, Beauty Food, Earth Friendly, Mind/Body Beauty, Vegan

Is Plastic Not So Fantastic? Beauty Product Packaging; What You Need To Know!

If you’re reading this blog, you already know that not all beauty products are created equal – there are the natural, honest products and the toxic BS that craps up your skin with all kinds of nasty additives.  However, it turns out that there are some big disparities in the packaging used to contain beauty products as well.  Plastic packaging screws up the products it contains, and can even be hazardous to your health.  Glass provides a better option, but…
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Posted in Beauty Products, Earth Friendly, Non Toxic Beauty, Skin care ingredients

DIY Natural Hair Treatments for Luscious Locks WithOUT Chemical Crap!

no bull natural hair treatment recipes So often we use products on our hair in an effort to help make it healthier that actually compromise it in the long run.  I’m not saying our intentions aren’t right; many of us over process our hair almost daily and providing it nourishment is essential!  But, all too often, these “treatments” are only providing short term benefits and are actually causing harm in the long run with their funky chemical ingredients.  Not so with these DIY natural hair treatments…
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Posted in Beauty Food, DIY Natural Beauty Recipes, Earth Friendly, Hair Growth, Natural Beauty Tips

Freaky Franken Fish | Is GMO Salmon a Panacea or BS?

Say No To GMOs and Franken Fish At this point you’ve likely heard about genetically modified foods.  Up until a few years ago, GMOs, were seen only in fruits and vegetables; most commonly foods like corn and soy.  Now though, the FDA is considering approving genetically engendered (modified) fish. We think this is some serious BS – and here’s why. Firstly, GMO plants are already a large enough issue fraught with consequences that are only now being fully realized.  Why move on to animals? The companies that…
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Posted in Earth Friendly, GMO Ingredients

How to Speak Out With Your Wallet to Help Protect the Planet

Speak out to Save The Planet As Earth Day arrives this year, it’s obvious the planet needs us now more than ever.  We’ve got Monsanto trying to patent the earth’s plants and seeds – and destroy everyone who attempts to stand in their way – while buying off politicians left and right.  In the US the Keystone XL pipeline has a real potential of becoming a reality, Fracking is destroying land and water everywhere, Air and water pollution are rampant around the globe, China is forcing…
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Posted in Earth Friendly, Non Toxic Beauty, Organic Skin Care
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