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Freaky Franken Fish | Is GMO Salmon a Panacea or BS?

Say No To GMOs and Franken Fish At this point you’ve likely heard about genetically modified foods.  Up until a few years ago, GMOs, were seen only in fruits and vegetables; most commonly foods like corn and soy.  Now though, the FDA is considering approving genetically engendered (modified) fish. We think this is some serious BS – and here’s why. Firstly, GMO plants are already a large enough issue fraught with consequences that are only now being fully realized.  Why move on to animals? The companies that…
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Posted in Earth Friendly, GMO Ingredients

How to Speak Out With Your Wallet to Help Protect the Planet

Speak out to Save The Planet As Earth Day arrives this year, it’s obvious the planet needs us now more than ever.  We’ve got Monsanto trying to patent the earth’s plants and seeds – and destroy everyone who attempts to stand in their way – while buying off politicians left and right.  In the US the Keystone XL pipeline has a real potential of becoming a reality, Fracking is destroying land and water everywhere, Air and water pollution are rampant around the globe, China is forcing…
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Posted in Earth Friendly, Non Toxic Beauty, Organic Skin Care

Are GMOs Sneaking Under Your Skin?

The hot topic of the day is eating foods that are actually genetically monitored organisms. Many people don’t want to put foods into their body that have be significantly altered. While we are aware these foods exist, could you be putting genetically monitored organisms on your skin too? Sounds like mad science!  Referred to as GMOs, CSA states these plants are created for use by humans or animals by using molecular biology techniques. They are not plants in their natural…
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Posted in Beauty Food, Beauty Ingredients, Non Toxic Beauty, Organic Skin Care, Skin care ingredients
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