For the longest time, Vitamin D has been deemed to be an essential component of the body. This claim cannot be contradicted because low levels of Vitamin D are connected with several health issues like heart disease, cancer, auto-immune disease and even depression! Since not everyone gets an ample supply of this delightful D vitamin, supplements are being recommended left and right. The unfortunate news is, not all supplements are the same and some of them can be confusing. The question is, will you opt for D or not?
When selecting your D supplements you need be informed that there are 2 options. Vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol) and Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol). Vitamin D3 is sourced from animals and not vegetarian or vegan. Vitamin D2 is synthetic (vegan) yet only 69% as biovailable as Vitamin D3. Therefore your daily requirement may simply be greater if you select D2. This is important to know when selecting your supplement. You may also select a liquid or sub-lingual version for enhanced potency.
When it all comes down to it, the most appropriate yet controversial way for the body to have healthy levels of Vitamin D is through sun exposure. Just 15 minutes daily is often enough depending on your geographical location. The natural oils produced by our skin offer some protection so it is best not to wash the skin right before a short exposure. Contrary to the common belief, a bit of sun exposure is not always to blame for skin cancer. Sunburns are actually the bigger culprits! Prolonged exposure can lead to burns which is why balance is the key if you’re after Vitamin D. Being said, it is ideal to use sun-protective products for any prolonged time outdoors and be sure the product is chemical free. This way, you need not suffer the consequences of overexposure.
If you do not want the hassle of examining whether a supplement is dependable or not, simply consider Vitamin D-enriched foods. Fortified cereals, fortified soy milk and even fortified orange juice are wonderful options. Additional foods rich in Vitamin D include salmon, mackerel and milk, however, hormone treated cattle and farm raised fish certainly have their contraindications for both health and skincare. In addition, they are not options for vegetarians and vegans. Mushrooms and some yeasts offer Vitamin D but often not enough to meet daily requirements.
The right dosage of Vitamin D varies for each person. Several aspects including a person’s weight and blood serum levels have to be examined to determine how much Vitamin D is needed. The best way to find out about your recommended intake is to have your levels tested. Vitamin D Hydroxy 25 is the test you should consider for your true serum levels. Keep in mind that low levels of Vitamin D can contribute to a weak immune system, later leading to other health challenges or diseases so it’s better to be safe then sorry. It is also thought that low levels contribute to the auto-immune skin condition psoriasis which is partially why the treatment for decades has been light therapy. Aha! Vitamin D supplementation may also assist with rosacea relief.
Taking Vitamin D supplements is something you should seek medical advice for. While some reports suggest high doses can be harmful, recent research shows that those doses are extremely high and very unlikely. Super neat D is also curiously forgiving in that you can make up for a missed dose by doubling up “or” even take a weeks worth at once. Make sure that you seek the guidance of experts so that you can decide whether to D or not to D!