Summer Skin Care From Bites to Burns and More!

Even if you take great care of your skin, we often get caught up in the good times during the summer.  Staying out in the sun, swimming, bug bites and making contact with irritating plants like poison ivy can cause serious skin discomfort. There are a few natural ways to look and feel your best even if you forget to take precautions.

Take an oatmeal bath to relieve sunburn.  Simply place two cups of oatmeal in a cotton sock and let it dissipate into a warm bath.  If you are not vegan, you can also add a dash of honey and a half cup of milk then soak your body to get rid the sting of sunburn.
Alternatively, you do do white vinegar compresses on the body which also relieve the sting and promote healing, but it will feel cold so be prepared!  These naturally soothing elements relieve your skin and add essential moisture.  After the bath, dry your skin gently with an absorbent cotton towel and apply a light aloe moisturizer for continued relief.

Add oil to your sun fried hair.  Dry, fried and frizzy hair is a symptom of swimming in pools and saltwater. Bring your lackluster hair back to life with pure organic argan oil. Take a few drops between the palms of your hands and smooth through your hair using your fingers.  Can be applied to damp, moist hair for best results or added to a leave in conditioner.  Just remember not all argan oils are alike, many contain icky silicones and fragrance that contribute to more drying.

Handling the discomfort of heat rash.  Those itchy bumps from heat rash can drive you crazy.  A cool bath with a half cup of baking soda can be very soothing.  Applying therapeutic grade lavender will also accelerate healing and soothe the skin. If you are itchy, vinegar will also eliminate the annoying itch.  Wear lightweight cotton clothes that breathe until the rash goes away in a few days.

Bug bites that drive you buggy.  Baking soda is the remedy of choice for mosquito bites, too. Make a paste using one third cool water and two thirds baking soda.  Apply it to all your bites to get instant relief.  Again, vinegar compresses come in handy as well if you don’t mind the smell.

Dealing with the itch of poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac.  If you rub against these irritating plants, you are likely to get an itchy red rash with blisters.  Wash off the irritating oils with soap and water.  Apply cool compresses to get rid of the itch.  Green Living recommends a combination of essential oils such as lavender and tea tree to get rid of the sting of poison ivy.

These are all great tips, but it’s often best to prevent damage in the first place so do consider this first.  Enjoy and be safe!



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